
Steam sauna on Thai herbs

Thai herbal steam sauna is arranged in natural barrel made of a relic tree, inside of which there is herbal steam with temperature of 45-60°С.

Various combinations of fresh and dry herbs, roots, petals of flowers and extracts of plants, and also essential oils can be used for it.

During the treatment, body receives soft and deep warming up, without an overload of blood vessels of the head, which will be left unaffected throughout all procedure.

The effects of this procedure may be various:
- Skin purifying, tonus and appearance improvement; 
- Activation of sweat secretion naturally takes away excess liquid from the organism, which is resulted in elimination of edemas, treatment of a cellulitis at any stage and organism detoxication.
- As for people with excess weight – it guarantees considerable loss of weight by natural and comfortable way.
- It optimizes circulation of blood and lymph, eliminates congestive phenomena, trains vessels and heart.
- Spasm and pain in muscles, ligaments, joints are eliminated, the body becomes more flexible;
- The heat gives to body fine rest, minutes of pleasure and relaxation and promotes healthy, good sleep.

Time 15 min Price 950 rub. Book
* Is carried out as an addition to any type of massage or SPA. Price depends on the package.